a short film

The Green Knight - Official Trailer
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Experience the music from the movie! Buy the soundtrack on Bandcamp.

The Filmmakers:

Mark Freeman is a writer and filmmaker who lives in northern Vermont with his wife and two daughters. Mark loves storytelling, in all its forms, be it long or short form fiction or filmmaking. He is driven to find the thread that connects not only the through line of every tale, but that element of every piece which connects it to his audience. The Green Knight is his third narrative film with producing partner and co-director Brandon St. Cyr.
Brandon St. Cyr is a filmmaker and visual effects artist living in northern Vermont with his wife, two kids and a dog (Oscar). Brandon has a passion for visual storytelling and everything that goes into building it; the art and the technical craft. Whether it's on a large film set with a hundred moving parts, or it's just him late at night trying to find the perfect place to cut. He is the owner/operator of Brandon StCyr Productions, a commercial video business. The Green Knight is his 5th narrative film and third with co-director Mark Freeman.